Drew Adam

Join town boards in the spirit of local environmental activism

In April of 1970, when I was a senior in high school in Pennsylvania, my girlfriend (and now wife of 38 years) and I skipped school and took the local train into Philadelphia to attend the first Earth Day Rally.

It was exhilarating to see thousands of young people like us demanding change in how we treated our planet.

Back then, littering was commonplace, dumping raw sewage into rivers and streams was the norm, and emissions on factories and cars had no standards.

Within two years, a Republican president, Richard Nixon, signed the Clean Water Act, and within nine months the Environmental Protection Agency was established and thousands of communities across the country scheduled annual cleanups that still occur every spring.

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Thanks for help, compassion in a time of loss

On behalf of the family of Grace Beverly Adam, we extend our heartfelt thank-you to all our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others whom we did not know but who reached out to share in our sorrow of our beloved daughter's death. Many of you sent cards, food, flowers, donations,

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