Chip Carter will have my vote in the Selectboard race in Guilford.
When he and Laurie moved to Green River village, he immediately and enthusiastically took up work in the community. He has put in lots of time raking and hauling away brush, but he has also gathered information and lore about the place he has chosen as home.
When Addie Minott died last spring, we lost not only our longest living resident but the humble de facto mayor for the village. She could be depended on to lead tours and regale visitors with the history of this beautiful hamlet.
When the community planned a series of summer events in the village, I assumed that, without Addie, a lot of history was gone, and I despaired of the possibility of filling her shoes.
In 1996, when Pat Burke was invited to attend a meeting of the Brattleboro Area Affordable Housing (BAAH) board, she went. She was young, new to the area and to human resources work, and she was flattered that someone thought her input would be valuable. She's been going to...
In 2003, Brattleboro Area Affordable Housing (BAAH) looked at two growing housing problems: shortage of decent rental housing affordable to low-income people, and homeowners' difficulty keeping their homes in the face of rising costs. It struck us that there could be a way to address both problems together: help...
Dear Bernie, We're writing to you to express our grave concerns about the lack of movement shown by our government thus far on climate change. We're excited to learn that you're working on ambitious and far-reaching climate legislation to be introduced in the near future. Given the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the time to act is now. Our country needs a Green New Deal that includes a commitment to move to a more equitable and ecologically...
I will vote for the clean-energy resolution at Guilford's Annual Town Meeting. I will support this effort to make our state and my town pay attention to how our warming environment affects us all. Guilford is a small town, but we can be leaders in reducing our carbon footprint. Our fire department installed solar panels on its station. These provide power to the firehouse itself, as well as to the town office. That's power the town gets without depending on...