Katie Wilson

Library internet access: essential resilience during outage

BRATTLEBORO-On Thursday, Nov. 7, Brattleboro and surrounding villages experienced an internet outage caused by a local fire. Many of us around town rely on the internet to do our jobs (whether we work remotely or not).

I want to give a big thank you to the Brooks Memorial Library (and the town) for having better-than-commercial internet access available for free to anyone who walked in.

Dozens of people were quietly working on their laptops, able to go to work or school during the outage. This sort of resilience is important, should be encouraged on the local level, and helps neighbors weather disruptions.

I challenge all of us to think about other ways we can add additional resilience to our public services so that we are best able to cope with inevitable difficulties.

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Let us make smart choices to prioritize our future

I'm raising a young Vermonter who we may very well see in the Statehouse in the future. It's this time of year that my daughter goes into the woods and reports back to me that she saw thousands of mouse tracks, one rabbit, and a few squirrels. It is...

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