Randolph T. Holhut

Letting the light shine for RBG

Letting the light shine for RBG

Area residents were among those nationwide holding vigils at courthouses to mourn the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

As Saturday turned to dusk at the quiet of a closed-for-the-weekend county courthouse in Brattleboro, a lone figure walked up, carrying a kerosene lantern.

All over the country, vigils were taking place at courthouses, organized less than 24 hours after news of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg broke the day before.

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Hundreds march in Brattleboro as part of Global Climate Strike

Weekday walkout seeks to ‘amplify youth voices’ in urging full and immediate focus on global climate change and its consequences

Young people carrying signs chanted, “The planet is changing, so why aren't we?” and “No more oil, keep the carbon in the soil!” The youths - hundreds of them, and by some estimates, more than 1,000 of them - converged on Pliny Park and High Street, joined by protesters...

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Colonel softballers bounce back with 2 wins

After the Brattleboro Colonels softball team lost to archrival Mount Anthony, 12-5, on April 18, coach Kelly Markol made it clear that her team needed to tighten up defensively and play with more intensity if they wanted to have a successful season. The Colonels seemed to get the message...

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Stroll hires new director for parade, programs

Strolling of the Heifers has a new executive director. Erin O'Connor comes to the Brattleboro-based nonprofit with a deep and diverse resumé, with more than 20 years in secondary and higher education. But she said she felt it was time for a change in her life. “I realized that I loved farms and that I loved agriculture,” O'Connor said. “I realized I wanted to do something that combined what I do well with what I had an inherent interest in...

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Voters name their top concerns

Put 30 or so people in a room, and ask them what they want to see accomplished in the 2019-20 legislative biennium. It was a daunting task but the Rockingham and Westminster town Democratic Party committees managed to narrow it down to four big issues during the three hours of discussion. Those who gathered at the Rockingham Free Public Library on Dec. 15 had quite a few issues to put before Windham County Senators Jeanette White and Becca Balint and...

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BUHS salutes John Dimick for 42 years of coaching

Cross-country is a sport that moves to its own beat. While distance running demands discipline and endurance, it also demands intelligence and self-awareness. It doesn't take place in a gymnasium or on a playing field in front of hundreds of cheering supporters. Cross-country happens on hilly and occasionally rain-sodden trails in the woods far away from the madding crowd. While running is often a solitary pursuit, cross-country is also about running as part of a team and finding ways to...

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Vermont wins third straight Shrine game

For years, the Vermont squads at the Shrine Maple Sugar Bowl have been the gridiron equivalent of the skinny boys on the beach getting sand kicked in their face by the muscle-bound he-men of New Hampshire. But in this annual clash of the top high school football stars from New Hampshire and Vermont, the Green Mountain Boys aren't 98-pound weaklings anymore. A hard-hitting defense combined with a clock-eating offense gave Vermont a 24-13 victory at the 65th edition of the...

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Local lawmakers offer legislative update

On the eve of “crossover week,” the week on the legislative calendar when lawmakers decide whether bills will survive or be scuttled, members of the Windham County delegation gave their assessment of the session thus far. At the Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce's annual Legislative Breakfast at the Brattleboro Retreat on March 19, local lawmakers gave updates about some of the legislation they've been working on. Firearms and school safety Firearms laws have taken center stage this session, as the...

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