Marvin Resnikoff is an international consultant on radioactive waste issues. A nuclear physicist and a graduate of the University of Michigan, he has worked on radioactive issues since 1974.
In many ways, aside from impeachment and what comes out of garbage mouth (President Trump), including his many irrational actions, Washington actions are distant from our lives. And what happens in Congressional committees, such as the Congressional Budget Committee (CBC), is even further hidden from public view. But these...
Congratulations to NorthStar for aiming to take apart Vermont Yankee in record time, hopefully by 2026, and hopefully within budget. The article by Olga Peters [“Unbuilding a Nuclear Power Plant,” Oct. 23], which included an interview with NorthStar's CEO, Scott State, was encouraging, but omitted some of the major...
In his statements in Brattleboro on April 7 and in his letter to me, Representative Peter Welch has not clearly thought through his position on the nuclear-waste issue. While none of us are overjoyed with leaving radioactive waste at the Vermont Yankee reactor, that does not translate to forcing the waste on an unwilling state like Nevada. Representative Welch supports the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act of 2017, which would reopen federal proceedings over the proposed Yucca Mountain repository. Welch's...