We are a free people. Our free speech rights under the First Amendment were not revoked by the Atomic Energy Act. Neither were the rights of the Vermont Legislature.
So what's “pre-empted?” We and our representatives are free to discuss nuclear safety, if any, and take it into account in our decision-making. We are free to note that the nuclear hazard is so extreme that (a) we are forbidden as a state to regulate it, and (b) no nuclear plant can buy accident insurance.
That means it's dangerous. Whether we appreciated that fully or not, our Legislature agreed (by a margin of one vote) to try a nuke for 40 years. We had the right and the power to make that decision, back when Vermont's electric utilities were the primary owners, back when the electricity was going to be “too cheap to meter,” and back when the feds were going to take the waste.
None of that holds true today, and nothing has happened in the last 40 years to take away Vermont's sovereignty. We still have the power and the right to make this decision.
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An open letter to state Rep. Patty O'Donnell [“Please stop helping us,” Viewpoint, The Commons, Oct. 20]: I lived next door to a plumber for 30 years, but I certainly don't know plumbing “from the 'inside' and know it well.” Russian planes used to fly over Sarah Palin's house,
I saw two bumper stickers on a pickup cruising down beautiful, smooth, newly-paved Route 5 that said it all - “Peter Shumlin for Governor” and “Buy Local.” Let's put a Windham County boy in the governor's office in November. Vote Shumlin on or before Aug. 24.
We have five good Democratic candidates for governor, all with experience in state government and similar positions on major issues. Each would make a far better governor than Republican Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie, and the winner will receive my enthusiastic support. But since we get to choose, let me make the case for Sen. Peter Shumlin. I've been in many political fights with Peter, sometimes on the same side, sometimes not. I have a profound respect for his political abilities.