GUILFORD-As is common with Nancy Gassett's published articles, it is necessary to correct and address several of the points made.
1. Gassett betrays an apparent need to lecture other candidates (as well as voters) concerning candidates' "constitutional duties" when running for public office in Vermont.
We can set aside the obvious fact that all serious contenders for these offices are intelligent, diligent candidates who have done their homework and who understand the responsibilities and duties they would be taking on, and who respect and take seriously the associated oaths. Equally important, it is safe to say that none of these candidates need any of this explained to them in this condescending manner.
But yet this is the same Nancy Gassett who has repeatedly expressed her "pride" in supporting the violent, seditious events of the attempted insurrection that occurred at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 and who has repeatedly and consistently participated in the spreading of the baseless Big Lies concerning voter fraud, and of the invalid nature of the 2020 presidential election.
GUILFORD-One item in this very informative article needs to be corrected: specifically, the discussion of the proposal for building an addition to the Guilford Free Library. In short, the errors appear to result from the reporter simply repeating legislative candidate Jason Herron's rather fictionalized (and often-repeated) account of these...
GUILFORD-As the voters of Guilford and Vernon are aware, in preparation for the upcoming Democratic primary for the Vermont Legislature, candidate Jason Herron has published several large ads and has posted a Facebook page devoted to his candidacy. These ads contain the standard, expected set of assertions about issues...
I'd like to correct a misstatement that appeared in the article concerning the recent revote on (and subsequent recension of) the funding plan related to the proposed expansion of the Guilford Free Library. The article contained an interview with an individual who favored overturning the original vote. The individual presented his arguments in a well-formed and thoughtful way. However, he then went on to say, “[T]he people who made the decision to use that money were only two people, Selectboard...
On Wednesday, May 30, at about 2 p.m., I was driving east on Route 121 between Saxtons River and Athens when I saw a strange object approaching in the oncoming lane. Once I was close enough - a couple hundred yards - I eventually recognized that it was a hand-powered recumbent bicycle. The rider was almost completely flat, and very low to the ground. I doubt any object on the bike or rider was more than about 18 inches off...