Karen Tyler

For people asking for money, punitive SSI policies could be coming into the picture

Joyce Marcel's thoughtful piece offers an opportunity to address some related issues that many well-meaning readers may not be aware of.

It's reasonable to ask why some of our local panhandlers who appear able-bodied aren't working, when there are entry-level jobs around. One person's sign - "I need $ for work boots" - is one of the reasons.

Especially if you're struggling back from a tough patch in your life (possibly including eviction and homelessness), getting ready to work requires more resources than you may be aware of.

Also, some may already be working, but many available jobs are part-time and low-wage, and won't meet your needs - especially if you're trying to support a family.

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Library manages extremely challenging needs with patience, compassion

In the 19th and early 20th century, the settlement house movement in urban areas sought to bridge the gap between social classes. In these programs, middle-class community members offered their skills and abilities to provide child care, education for children and adults, health care, and cultural and recreational activities...

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Republican senators set a standard for sports conduct

It's been dismaying recently to see losing sports teams walking out of the arena without the traditional line of handshakes with the winning team, violating one of the basics of good sports conduct that we were all taught beginning in elementary school. I've been wondering who on earth is...

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Gov. Scott: Support climate legislation in process

An open letter to Gov. Phil Scott: We, the undersigned members and friends of All Souls Church (Unitarian Universalist) of Brattleboro and registered Vermont voters, urge your support for the 2020 Plan for Climate Action in Vermont, including: • The Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act • A strong, equitable transportation and climate initiative • A commitment to 100-percent-renewable energy by 2030 • Modernizing Vermont's energy-efficient utilities A cornerstone of our faith is respect for the interdependent web of all existence,

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Kindness and compassion at the Transportation Center

Many thanks to Liza King for her thoughtful words. One cold day in January, I was parked across from Experienced Goods, unloading bags of donations from the back seat of my car, when I slipped on the ice. I fell in such a way that I was partly beneath the car. I'm 71 and somewhat limited in mobility, so it took me some time to crawl out and start to get up. I was pretty much OK, but I had...

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