David L. Deen

Goldman, Bos-Lun: thumbs up on conservation issues

WESTMINSTER-I have been a member of the Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV) Board of Trustees for two election cycles. The board puts forward endorsements for candidates who support the Vermont environment and we keep track over the biennium of how the elected members actually vote on key environmental issues.

The VCV endorsement process starts with a broad coalition of environmental groups establishing a unified environmental agenda. VCV then asks candidates of all parties their position on those issues. The candidate responses and their voting record (if they have one) determine whether they are endorsed by VCV.

Here in our two member Windham-3 district, where you get to vote for two House Representatives, both Leslie Goldman and Michelle Bos-Lun have been endorsed by VCV for this election. They responded to the VCV questionnaire issues affirmatively and both have 100% voting records not only for this biennium but for all their terms in the Vermont House.

Environmental protection goes far beyond tree hugging. In my bailiwick of protecting streams and rivers, protecting the aquatic environment not only helps the environment, but when we protect riverways, shorelands, wetlands, and natural flow regimes in our rivers, we also lessen the flood possibilities and/or lessen the impact of any flooding. Environmental stewardship is a win-win situation.

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Mrowicki: An experienced legislator in a two-person district needs your vote

I had the distinct honor to serve with Michael Mrowicki as his district mate in the Windham-4 district for 10 years. In that time, I learned that he works hard, is imaginative in response to difficult situations, and that he earned the respect of the members of all three...

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For such an engaged and public-spirited state, why does Windham County lag in its census response?

The census, mandated by the U.S. Constitution, has been conducted nationwide every 10 years since 1790. The 2020 Census started April 1. At seven weeks into the survey, Windham County showed the second-lowest county response rate in the whole state with a return rate of only 35 percent as...

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Stormwater control and prevention: a good investment in Vermont’s future

My apologies to the Times Argus, a newspaper I usually find informative and knowledgeable, but they have been duped by someone into taking a public stance in an editorial that is misleading and unfortunately trashes program protections for our rivers and lakes from stormwater pollution. Other papers have now reprinted the Times Argus editorial, compounding the harm. Stormwater is the largest source of nutrient loading and water pollution facing our surface waters. It is generated when rainwater from ever-more-intense, higher-rain-total...

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White, Mrowicki earn votes from outgoing representative

As primary season comes to a close, I want to urge everyone to get out and vote for Jeanette White on or before Tuesday, Aug. 14. I have had the opportunity to watch her up close in her Senate work, as I have been in the House for her entire tenure as senator. She has served us well. She exercises leadership in the Senate through her role as chair of the Senate Committee on Government Operations - or, as she...

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