Dove Pressnall

#MeToo movement had origin in African American community

It's so important that survivors be able to share in as much specificity as they want to. Thanks to Deb Luskin for sharing your story and the story of your silencing. How awful and frustrating.

In that spirit, I think it's important to know that the #MeToo movement did not start last year or focus on workplace harassment but was founded by African American activist Tarana Burke in 2006 to give voice to girls' and women's broad experiences of interpersonal violence.

Recently, at an event on intersectionality and intimate-partner violence, an African American activist and advocate working in South Los Angeles said that the women and girls she works with feel “left behind” by the #MeToo movement - that it's not for them. That's heartbreaking for me.

It's so important for those with celebrity and access to media to use their platforms to acknowledge and elevate the voices who don't have that same access.

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