Caitlin Garry

Substance abuse in rural communities: We are not worse, just more visible

Because of where I work - at the Hotel Pharmacy in Brattleboro - I have seen firsthand what drug abuse can do to a family as well as to a community. I want to explore why substance abuse seems to be so prominent in such a rural area, and if that plays a role in the abuse and recovery process.

It is a pretty well known fact that substance abuse is problematic throughout the United States. Whether it be drugs or alcohol, or even both, addiction is a scary disease. Why, exactly, do substance abuse and drug addiction seem to be taking over our small, rural town?

It seems as though in an area like this, everyone knows everyone's business, so one would think that people would put more of an effort into keeping their business private.

On the other hand, because of the geographical area we live in, it can almost be expected that people who are bored are going to experiment with drugs - especially those who do not have money to travel out of the area or who feel as though they do not have other things to do.

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