In “A Beautiful Journey,” a series of storytelling events showcasing people who live with, or are impacted by, substance-use disorder (SUD), storytellers share parts of their life stories with community members who want to hear firsthand what it's like to live through the destructive brain disease known as addiction.
Hosted by the Turning Point of Windham County, this series focuses not only on what can lead a person to rely on substances, living a life of isolation and despair, but also on what it takes for a person to find hope and meaning.
Hope is the catalyst for recovery, and these stories will showcase how everyone's recovery is different. Storytellers will tell us how they are able to stay actively involved in the community, which benefits their overall recovery.
These stories can help us move away from judgment and stigma and learn how to accept and have empathy for people who have experienced the devastation of substance use.
I'm trying to raise funds to attend the national Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin summit in Atlanta in April. I work full-time for a mental-health agency as a case manager. My other community involvements include: • board member and recovery coach at the Turning Point of Windham County recovery...