I saw on BCTV that the Selectboard and Downtown Brattleboro Alliance want to advertise for gay and lesbian people to come visit Brattleboro, and I'm all for that. I am an ally of gay and lesbian people.
One of the problems with the Downtown Brattleboro Alliance is that they talk about local food and local business but then don't talk about inclusion in the workplace. What I'm talking about is that I see no disabled people who are working in downtown businesses, and I think that's a big mistake.
Two agencies in Brattleboro, HCRS and Families First, support people who are disabled. When I was working for the Riverview Café downtown 20 years ago, the owner, Tristan Toleno, had so many people working who were disabled that he got an award from the state about being the most inclusive employer.
I recently got a job as the host at the 99 Restaurant. The customers love me, and the leadership loves me, too. I greet customers, and when a man or a woman has a military hat, I thank them for their service, and people love that. A little goes a long way.
I want to comment on the people helping the homeless people and paying them $15 per hour. A lot of other people in the community need help, too. I have been asking local restaurants if I can host for them, and I have a year's experience hosting at the...
I want to talk about my experience of being discriminated against by the Brattleboro Co-op. I am disabled with mild CP and I was helping a work member with her member hours and they put me in the bulk department. The department manager really liked my work and she...
I want to reflect on my experience with the Brattleboro police. I am an African American adult. All my interactions with police on the street have been outstanding and so respectful to me. I felt compelled to write a letter because I know there are some police around the country who treat African Americans badly. I want this community to know that we are lucky to have a professional police force here.