Lindsay Richard

Lindsay Richard, “Glowing Palms,” from a series of hand studies made in Boston Common in 2012.  Silver gelatin print, 3.5 in. × 4.5 in.

Looking inward

Ask yourself: How can I live now so that someday I will be proud of the reflection I see?

Lindsay Richard describes herself on her website as "many things, but to the formal art world [she is] a photographic artist."...

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Idealism and fantasy

We need to think longer and harder about what people in Brattleboro truly need — and it’s not a $30 million museum project

I am deeply concerned about Brattleboro Museum and Art Center's recent proposal for construction of a $30 million building. Can we please pause for a minute and really evaluate whether the aim to build an empire to one's creative ego is equitable for the community in the long term?

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