Adrian Segar and T. Wilson

A manifesto for Marlboro College

A manifesto for Marlboro College

‘We believe that if we harness the support and resources of the entire Marlboro College community, it may well be possible to develop a transformed Marlboro College that can continue with the values, culture, mission, and community that has flourished for 70 years and that is critically important to support at a local, regional, and global level.’

Although there has been very little time to respond to the Emerson College–Marlboro College bombshell announcement, a small group of residents, alumni, and supporters with long and deep ties to the Marlboro College community has formed to work to create a viable and vibrant alternative to the current plan (the “Plan”) to close Marlboro College and transfer its endowment and campus to Emerson.

To create a viable and preferable alternative to the Plan, we need a small number of individuals who:...

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