Timothy Segar and Cathy Osman

We honor the work of the Marlboro College community, and warn of its loss

A few days ago, we were present at “Dances in the Rough,” a performance of dance at the Serkin Center for performing arts at Marlboro College. These were works-in-progress presented every semester by the students.

Another similar presentation of visual art in progress, “Open Studios,” is on view at the Snyder Center for Visual Art and surrounding buildings.

During each semester, particularly at the end, these kinds of events are preceded and followed by readings from young poets and playwrights.

Presentations of the final work done as part of student's Plans of Concentration (Marlboro's version of a major) include music recitals, plays, science research, anthropological and sociological studies, histories, computer science projects, cultural/literary studies in foreign languages, essays, creative nonfiction writing, and many other less-easily-categorized accomplishments from students working with a talented faculty.

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