BRATTLEBORO-Hadestown: Teen Edition by Anaïs Mitchell, is the Brattleboro Union High School musical, presented Feb. 13–15.
The production is an adaptation of Greek myth. It tells the story of Eurydice, a poor girl who wants something more from life but doesn't quite know how to get it, and a boy, Orpheus, who is trying to finish a song that he believes will change the world for the better. These two wanderers, destined to meet, experience both love and loss.
PUTNEY-Mike Mrowicki, who represents the Windham-4 district (Dummerston and Putney) in the Vermont House of Representatives, is running for re-election. His legislative record shows his values. He has sponsored bills that address property tax reform, support for farmers, affordable housing, climate change, education, flood relief, and health care, to...
The Windham County Democratic Committee (the organizing body for county Democrats) supports all Vermonters, including our LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and other oppressed and marginalized communities. In the last few weeks, a Trans woman was murdered in Vermont, the Burlington Pride Center had its glass doors smashed, and a Pride flag...
When I opened my Putney Town Report and looked at the warning for Annual Town Meeting, I faced the reality of our merged school district: no Putney Central School portion of the meeting on March 3. However, under Article 13, “To transact any other town business that may legally come before the Annual Town Meeting,” we voters can request from the floor that someone associated with Putney Central School give us an update on the school. A voter will make...