Nancy Olson

Democrats reject verbal attacks that open door to violence

The Windham County Democratic Committee (the organizing body for county Democrats) supports all Vermonters, including our LGBTQ+, BIPOC, and other oppressed and marginalized communities.

In the last few weeks, a Trans woman was murdered in Vermont, the Burlington Pride Center had its glass doors smashed, and a Pride flag at Norwich University was stolen after being publicly displayed by students.

These recent events stand against the backdrop of certain members of Vermont State Republican leadership undertaking a smear campaign against LGBTQIA+ Vermonters.

Democrats believe in, and work to enact, the words that conclude our Pledge of Allegiance: “with liberty and justice for all.”...

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Request at Town Meeting can prompt a school update

When I opened my Putney Town Report and looked at the warning for Annual Town Meeting, I faced the reality of our merged school district: no Putney Central School portion of the meeting on March 3. However, under Article 13, “To transact any other town business that may legally...

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