Doug Hoffer

Out of context

Candidate misrepresents the facts and the complex reality of the labor market

Voters receive a lot of information during campaigns, and it's important to check the facts. For example, Lt. Governor Phil Scott, the Republican nominee for governor, recently said “We've lost nearly 2,500 workers per year since 2010” (Aug. 31, Burlington Free Press).

This is true, but misleading. Workers are part of the labor force, which consists of those who are working and those who are unemployed but want to work. The issue is that counting workers is not the same as counting jobs.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 84 percent of those 65 or older retire. At that point, they are no longer part of the labor force. Vermont's population of those 65 and older grew by 18,000 from 2010 to 2015. During that same period, the labor force shrank by 15,000.

While the labor force dwindled, we added more than 15,000 new jobs, according to the Vermont Dept. of Labor.

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Hoffer: Illuzzi’s labels mask details

RE: “Wearing blue in a red county” [Sept. 5]: With all due respect, Vermonters might like a little more information about Vincent Illuzzi. It is not unfair for him to call himself a “Vermont Republican,” but such labels can mask important details. • For example, he voted against the...

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Bringing integrity back to the Auditor’s office

The state auditor is the elected official responsible for ensuring the integrity of every tax dollar spent. In carrying out that responsibility, the auditor's office itself must conduct its business with the highest integrity. As auditor, I will restore the integrity of the office. I will do this in...

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