Millicent Cooley

Gartenstein: experience and insight

BRATTLEBORO-I watched BCTV's Democratic Candidate Forum, featuring five candidates for the Vermont House of Representatives, then later I had an opportunity to question David Gartenstein, a candidate for District 9, where I live) about his experience and answers at the forum. Together, both helped me to understand why I think he is the better candidate.

David has prepared himself thoroughly by serving in a range of local government roles over a 20-year period. He stands out for his depth of understanding about how our state government systems work and how certain gaps in these legal systems aggravate some of our most persistent problems.

He is insightful about how the lack of supportive state programs results in abandonment of at-risk individuals and aggravates the criminal justice system.

Or about how certain gaps in statewide funding structures for regional town services place an additional tax burden on hub towns like Brattleboro, contributing to housing prices in our town rising to an unsustainable level.

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