Ian Diamondstone

‘Humble advice’ about plans for housing on Chalet land

Editor's note: The 2020 deed transferring the Chalet property to the Windham & Windsor Housing Trust explicitly stipulates as a condition of the sale that Ursula Dalem have life tenancy, along with the option to be buried next to her husband on the property.

PUTNEY-An open letter to the Brattleboro Selectboard and Planning Commission and the community:...

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WWHT project needs better planning in the interest of Putney and its residents

The Windham-Windsor Housing Trust has helped a lot of people in need of affordable housing. Our economy and lifestyles make it so that many people cannot afford the basic necessities of survival even when they are working more than 40 hours a week at minimum wage. In my opinion,

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‘I understood why she felt the way she did, and I knew no one would ever change her’

A longtime employee of Dalem’s Chalet looks back on his long friendship with Ursula Dalem and grieves for the restaurant and lodge that she ran for 56 years

I was about 10 years old when I first encountered Mrs. Dalem. A few of us neighborhood kids - my little sister, Benny Weiner (the kid upstairs), and I - trekked through the wooded hillside from the playground behind the Academy School and found ourselves in what seemed like...

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