Emily C. Heath

One person pulls the trigger, but hundreds more load the gun

One person pulls the trigger, but hundreds more load the gun

‘People hated people like me enough to literally kill us,’ writes an LGBTQ pastor who grew up in Orlando, in the shadow of churches that stand in judgment

When we began worship Sunday morning, the news said 20 people were dead in Orlando.

By the time I took off my robe and stole an hour later, it said 49, plus the shooter. The worst mass shooting by an individual in American history.

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A simple quiz

How to determine if your religious liberty is threatened, in 10 easy questions

In this election season, “religious liberty” is a hot topic. Rumors of its demise are all around, as are politicians who want to make sure that you know they will never do anything to intrude upon it. I'm a religious person with a lifelong passion for civil rights, so...

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Young adults and their faith

A young pastor addresses the phenomenon of the spiritual-but-not-religious generation

I am preparing to celebrate my 34th birthday in September. This year I do so with the growing realization that by this time next year I will not qualify as a “young adult” by anyone's estimation. That is, I won't be a young adult by anyone's estimation except for...

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