Michelle Simpson

Disheartening and unsafe

Disheartening and unsafe

Our kids are receiving the message that public drinking, drug use, and drug sales are acceptable and normal and that there is no consequence for breaking the law. Why does Brattleboro willingly allow this activity in the Transportation Center to persist?

Our Boys & Girls Club - part of a 160-year old federated organization that oversees 4,700 clubs across the country - provides safe, affordable, fun, out-of-school-time enrichment programs for Brattleboro-area kids.

Recently, our Club had the benefit of undergoing an external safety assessment as part of our dedication to continuous quality improvement. Our Club has a lot to be proud of when it comes to ensuring safety of the children and youth in our care. The board, staff, and volunteers are extensively background-checked, and they put significant resources into staff training, including First Aid/CPR, emergency action plans, trauma-informed approaches, and more.

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