Debora Steinerman

Swastika Zoom-bombing of Democratic forum

We were saddened as individuals and as a group to see that the image of a swastika was used to disrupt a recent Democratic candidates' forum for lieutenant governor.

Just as we know that one Zoom-bombing will not prevent reasonable people from continuing to publicly engage in the democratic process, we also know that symbols of hate, anti-Semitism, and white supremacy do not represent the views held by the majority of Vermonters.

Our organization, the Vermont Holocaust Memorial (VTHM), is dedicated to using the lessons of the Holocaust to promote understanding, caring, and tolerance - the opposite of what was displayed that night. We share stories that encourage such learning through speakers, educator workshops, and displays which teach the values of decency and educate to fight hate.

We at VTHM are troubled that this incident took place in our state, and we call on all Vermonters to join us in rejecting any attempts to harass, demean and belittle people based upon their respective individualities.

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