SAXTONS RIVER-We face big problems in Vermont as we come to grips with the need for affordable homes and medical coverage for every person, as well as the looming challenge of climate change. There are no easy answers.
Leslie Goldman and Michelle Bos-Lun are hard workers who understand the challenge and research and study problems before proposing solutions. I saw them listen to their constituents at the regular meetings held at the Rockingham Free Public Library with Sens. Wendy Harrison and Nader Hashim.
They are the best choices for our elected representatives in Rockingham and Westminster.
Saxtons River is a village of volunteers - from the fire department and FAST squad to the Fourth of July Committee. This spring, the Village Trustees are looking for new volunteers to join our local government, keeping Saxtons River clean, safe, and lively. Vote to elect the new positions...
I'm voting for Carolyn Partridge and Leslie Goldman for state representatives for the Windham-3 district. Carolyn Partridge is well known, while Leslie Goldman has my vote because of her support for public health, climate change, and small businesses. These three issues are central to the challenges of the next...