Sophie Lampard Dennis

Thompson House staff deserve credit for their work during pandemic

If there is one thing that has become clear during the COVID-19 crisis over the last few months, it's that here in Vermont we have a lot to be grateful for in terms of community responses across different populations and situations.

I want to specifically thank, and draw people's attention to the wonderful job the Thompson House Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Brattleboro is doing in the face of this extremely difficult and stressful situation.

We have all been painfully aware of the terrible toll this virus has taken on the elderly, and certainly many nursing homes have sadly been in the news lately for what seems like everything going wrong at great cost of life.

My mother, Marie, is a resident of Thompson House, and of course I was very worried when the Coronavirus came to Vermont. I was already extremely impressed with the care she was receiving at this nursing home over her 2{1/2} years there; the compassion, kindness and respect with which she and the other residents are treated every day _- from the cleaning staff on up to the director -was evident long before COVID-19.

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