Peter Elwell

A rushed process led to a flawed ordinance — and potential harm

Brattleboro’s Acceptable Community Conduct ordinance — at best — ‘others’ financially distressed and marginalized people. At worst, it criminalizes poverty.

Peter Elwell, retired as Brattleboro town manager and now the board president of Groundworks Collaborative, sent this email (submitted at our request and lightly adapted for print) to all Representative Town Meeting members solely on his own behalf, as he explains in the piece.

BRATTLEBORO-Members of Representative Town Meeting: Please vote to reject the Acceptable Community Conduct ordinance on Dec. 12. It is unnecessary and it is flawed.

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Harrison and Hashim: They have the skills for public service

Wendy Harrison and Nader Hashim understand public service and have committed themselves fully to that work. Each has a record of effective collaboration all over Windham County with people of all ages, political perspectives, cultural backgrounds, and socioeconomic concerns. Together, their expertise ranges from housing to law enforcement to...

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Harrison: a front-row view of her experience, tenacity, and compassion

I am voting for Wendy Harrison for state Senator from Windham County. I urge all other voters to join me. Wendy is the most experienced candidate. She has over 30 years of leadership experience in local governments and nonprofit organizations in Vermont, Florida, and Pennsylvania. Most of Wendy's work...

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Keeping a little more control at home

On the March 2 ballot, Brattleboro voters will decide whether the Town Charter should be amended to allow a greater degree of self-governance to be exercised by the people of Brattleboro. Specifically, if approved by Brattleboro voters and then by the state Legislature, this article would allow future charter changes to be made by Brattleboro voters (and affirmed by the Brattleboro Selectboard) without having to obtain the Legislature's approval, as long as the provisions being adopted already exist in at...

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