The June 9 issue of The Commons included a commentary by Les Kozaczek expressing doubts about human-induced (anthropogenic) global warming (AGW). As a climate scientist, I took issue with his statements and tone in a commentary published on Sept. 15; Mr. Kozaczek responded in a letter published Oct. 6.
The Commons has offered me the last word. I thank The Commons for this chance to end the discussion on some level of accuracy and decorum. I agree with the paper's statement that prolonging these exchanges would not be useful. I have no further appetite for seeing my colleagues unfairly maligned and my statements distorted almost beyond recognition, and I will not dignify Mr. Kozaczek's invective with further notice.
Let me first address two points Mr. Kozaczek made on Oct. 6.
1. I take him at his word that he is not an anti-intellectual. Still, anyone so inclined can read my commentary, brand me an “intellectual,” and regard that as a pejorative. I wasn't singling out any individual and still consider my general concern to be valid. Aside from that, the first six sentences of my commentary were self-effacing irony that I'd thought would be obvious. Mr. Kozaczek either missed this, or he declined to acknowledge it.
Sometimes I wonder about myself. I'm 58 years old, and I've certainly had people peeved at me. But I'm not sure I've ever made anyone seriously, existentially PO'd at me. Maybe it's time. Since reading “Decoding the warmist agenda,” by Les Kozaczek [The Commons, July 9] I've been torn...