Planned Parenthood Vermont Action Fund's Windham County Action Team is looking for volunteers!
If you're passionate about reproductive rights and want to make history in Vermont, we want to hear from you! We're looking to connect with as many Vermont voters as possible between now and Election Day in November to talk to them about the Reproductive Liberty Amendment.
If the amendment passes, Vermont's constitution will protect every person's right to make their own reproductive decisions, like whether and when to become pregnant, use temporary or permanent birth control, or seek abortion care. And Vermont could become the first state in the country to explicitly protect reproductive rights in its constitution!
As the weather warms up, we're looking forward to outdoor activities, including canvassing, tabling, and other visibility events.
Now that the ongoing war on women is at full throttle and the protection of Roe v. Wade has been undermined and nearly eliminated altogether by our highest court, it is way past the time for reproductive justice in this country. To facilitate reproductive justice, where do we start?
I'm writing to invite everyone in on a little ongoing ritual that feminists in our community have been engaging in. Each Tuesday, or whenever a group of people show up at Pliny Park in Brattleboro to protest Planned Parenthood, we make extra donations to the organization. Then we spread...