Leah Gessner

For Guilford Cares, a move stirs the imagination

The Guilford Cares Food Pantry moved out of the Broad Brook Community Center (the former Grange building) last week to make way for major renovations to the building.

Thanks to the generosity of the Guilford Fair trustees, the Guilford Cares Food Pantry will move to temporary quarters in the First Aid Building at the Guilford Fairgrounds.

The Pantry will remain open with curbside service every Thursday from 5 to 6 p.m. beginning Thursday, March 18 at the Fairgrounds. The Broad Brook Community Center will be closed for well over a year.

The Food Pantry has had the same home since its founding in 2011, so this move is a big deal for Guilford Cares. It is opening our minds to possibilities. We ask ourselves, “Is it time to find a dedicated home?” and “Could we expand and improve our food pantry, medical equipment loan, community nursing, and wellness programs in a permanent space in Guilford?”...

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