Over that past 16 months, as superintendent of the Windham Southwest Supervisory Union, I have been working with our school boards to come with our district's Act 46 proposal.
During this time, John Moran has attended many of the school board meetings as a citizen, even long before he had announced his candidacy to run for state representative.
In many discussions with Moran over the past few weeks, I found that he has many of the same concerns and frustrations about Act 46 that municipal representatives and I have, such as the closing of small schools and what impact it would have on our communities.
Most recently, at a Readsboro School Board meeting, I had an opportunity to share with him and the board my number-one concern of having our side-by-side proposal not supported or approved by the state.
I always seem to find confirming evidence that things are horribly wrong. Nightmares about corruption and control have crept into my consciousness and are now giant objects of reality for me. I firmly believe that by controlling money and media, a very small cadre of ultra elites are also...
Let me see if I got this straight. I thought the USA was the country that protected the little guy. I thought we were the ones that protected one country from another's aggression. Yet in the case of Iraq, we became the aggressor. We invaded and annihilated another country,