Sam and Sage Ruth

Wessel: puts emphasis on hearing all sides of a debate

We're newcomers to Windham County, having moved to Brattleboro in 2020, but we've quickly fallen in love with this beautiful area. We've met many wonderful people in our short time here, one of whom is our friend Tim Wessel, whom we are proud to support in the upcoming state senate election.

We met Tim and his wife Erin through our son's daycare, which their son also attends and which is still in operation only because Tim, Erin, and a dedicated group of families fought to keep it open under new ownership when it was on the brink of closure in 2020. Tim deeply understands the child care challenges facing families and providers and is willing to push for the changes needed to this overloaded system.

Tim also has a proven track record on so many other big issues facing this county and state. Over his six years of service on the Brattleboro Selectboard, he has proven his dedication to this area time and time again.

The thing we appreciate the most is that in every issue Tim works on, he brings a balanced, pragmatic perspective that puts emphasis on hearing all sides of a debate before making up his mind.

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