Elizabeth Harlow

Bos-Lun: champions legislation to keep children and families safe

I support Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun in her bid for reelection to a second term in the State House.

Since she took office in 2021, she has served on the House Committee on Corrections and Institutions, making recommendations supporting improvements for corrections policy, as well as housing and clean water projects and state park improvements.

Bos-Lun has also applied her experience in education to co-sponsor the Community Schools Bill, which passed in 2021, providing pilot projects around the state to increase access to meet students' needs at school through resources like counseling, medical, and other support services.

This past year, she has done intensive work with students around the state from the Vermont Students Against Racism Network to develop a vision of how to support schools working against racism and to help them build an environment where all students feel safe, included, and supported.

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