ROCKINGHAM-There are a number of reasons I support both Michelle Bos-Lun and Leslie Goldman, our two incumbent representatives.
I appreciate how they communicate through newsletters and regular public meetings, and I am grateful that they seek our input and opinions, while at the same time they show strong leadership and initiative.
I see their diverse and varied backgrounds and life experiences (education, social work, youth services, international experience, and health care, including mental health and drug abuse prevention) as valuable in helping to inform the decisions they make as legislators.
The future costs of climate change will be staggering as Vermont copes with increasing floods and other disasters such as landslides and wildfires, changing agricultural conditions, and societal chaos.
BELLOWS FALLS-Town Meeting is a Vermont tradition that allows ordinary citizens to meet annually with their neighbors to create local legislation and oversee their town's affairs. It is democracy in action at its most basic level. Rockingham residents may recall that voters at last year's Annual Town Meeting discussed...
Town Meeting is a Vermont tradition that allows ordinary citizens to meet annually with their neighbors to create local legislation and oversee their town's affairs. It is democracy in action at its most basic level. Rockingham residents may recall that voters at last year's Annual Town Meeting discussed whether...
I'm writing in response to Joyce Marcel's interview with State Treasurer Mike Pieciak on divestment of fossil fuels from our state's pension funds. As a retired school teacher with a pension in the Vermont State Teachers Retirement System, I have a personal financial interest in this. As a citizen of Vermont who is very concerned about the effects of climate change on our future, I want us to do whatever is necessary to reduce and begin to reverse global warming.
An open letter to Mike Pieciak, candidate for Vermont State Treasurer: As a retired schoolteacher, I'm grateful for my monthly check from the Vermont State Teachers' Retirement System (VSTRS), the funds of which are based in part on contributions I made while working. Administration of Vermont's pension funds will be part of your job if your candidacy for state treasurer is successful. I appreciate your support for divesting from fossil fuels in Vermont's pension funds, but I urge you to...