Most of us know that Brattleboro voted overwhelmingly in March to join the international Charter for Compassion - as have more than 400 cities and towns around the world - and that a resolution to that effect was passed by the Selectboard in May.
Since that time, most of the follow-up attention has focused on questions facing our own town. Initiatives are in the works, for example, to increase the number of police cases referred to the restorative justice process, to work with the United Way to upgrade its volunteer portal, and to relate our experiences through the “Compassion Story of the Month” in The Commons and the Reformer.
There is, however, a second dimension to our focus on compassion: Brattleboro's compassion toward those outside our town facing difficulties.
In this regard, it's interesting to note that many cities and towns in New England have sister communities, the majority of them located in Europe. Is it time for Brattleboro to have a sister community - and could doing so relate to our now-enhanced commitment to compassion?...
The last two years of financial turmoil have turned all of our attention to matters of economic health and vitality, as well as financial security. The current gubernatorial campaign has been appropriately focused on matters of how we should encourage growth to provide for an increasing standard of living...