It seems like such a short while ago that I would have volunteered to work for young Tom Salmon's campaign. I was even one of those Democrats he phoned when he wondered whether he should persist to ask for a recount. At the time I counseled, “Yes, go for it!” After his DWI charge, I even phoned his dad to tell him that I would still support Tom.
But I never imagined that Tom would become such a rabid Republican that he'd espouse the venomous far-right rhetoric as he has in recent months. After being so disappointed at my misplaced confidence and trust in Tom Salmon, I took the time to really study the superb qualifications and experience of Doug Hoffer.
Doug has been an independent policy analyst on issues such as public pension funds, economic development, and tax policy, he was author of the Job Gap Study and a consultant to the state auditor for five years. He was responsible for the $40 million budget when he lead the Burlington Electric Commission (1995-2000). He earned a B.A. from Williams College and a J.D. from the SUNY-Buffalo Law School.
Both Doug's experience and his education far outweigh those of his opponent. I have spoken with Doug at length at four “meet-and-greet” gatherings for candidates. Doug's quiet, warm, genuine civility, combined with his excellent listening skills, encourages one to appreciate his intellect.