For all voters of Westminster, Bellows Falls, and Brookline: The elections are coming up, and all voters who believe in free elections, in government for all, and that all people are equal need to pay attention.
Our freedoms are in jeopardy and our values are under attack. Political conservatives will create such a conservative series of laws it will take decades to clean up.
Michelle Bos-Lun and Leslie Goldman are two candidates who are 100 percent for the people. Michelle successfully co-sponsored legislation that has become state law on: community schools, child care, sustainable transportation planning, and support for public school employees' health benefits.
Leslie is working on improving health-care access and quality and on reducing costs. She is supporting legislation on addressing the climate crisis, workforce development, social justice, and rural economics.
For all voters of Westminster, Bellows Falls, and Brookline: The elections are coming up, and all voters who believe in free elections, government for all, and that all people are equal need to pay attention. Our freedoms are in jeopardy. Sorry, but if you have not watched or read...