Fatima [Redacted]

Settling in

Afghan refugees in southern Vermont continue to struggle with the biggest obstacles of our lives. Here are a few of their stories.

On June 20, we Afghans celebrated World Refugee Day under incredible circumstances.

I never thought I would know what it would feel like to spend my life in a land of exile.

It hasn't even been a full year since the Taliban took over Afghanistan and made trouble for thousands of people. Since I immigrated, I have started to feel the nostalgia in my heart and body that immigrants and refugees must have experienced throughout history, whether they wanted to or not.

This experience has taught me and others in the Afghan community about how to deal with problems that we could never have imagined.

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In our new land, a celebration of God’s Party Month

For new Afghan evacuees in the region — and for Muslims the world over — Ramadan marks a month full of kindness and goodness, ritual and prayer, fasting and breaking fasts

The holy month of Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic lunar year. In this month, those of us who are Muslim follow specific religious practices that include fasting and prayer. This month is called by different names, such as “forgiveness month,” “blessing month,” “mercy month,” “plenty month,”

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New year, new beginnings

Afghan evacuees in Brattleboro join new friends and neighbors for Nowruz — a celebration of the solar new year — for the first time among Vermonters

Nowruz is an important and special day in Afghani culture. Have you ever heard about this celebration? On March 20, 200 Vermonters celebrated the holiday with the new Afghan refugees who have been supported in the Brattleboro area since we had to leave Afghanistan. We have been coming to...

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We never stood still

Before my life began, I was already an immigrant. My family emigrated in 1996, during the time of the first government of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Day by day, the political, social, and economic situations - all the parts of the society that touched on our lives - were getting worse. As a result, lots of families couldn't live in Afghanistan anymore. My family was among them. My mom, one month pregnant with me, immigrated to Iran. * * *

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