I'm writing to state how important I believe it is to return Aileen Chute (Tulloch) to the Putney Selectboard for another three-year term.
Under Aileen's guidance as chair, the board has been more productive than I can recall in my decade of Selectboard watching. During her brief three-year tenure (two as chair), the board has expanded access to its meetings, updated and written policies and procedures, established an equitable procedure for allocating American Rescue Plan Act funds, held numerous public hearings, signed an agreement to purchase Cooper Field to and expand the town's recreational facilities, solicited a risk assessment of the fire department, and approved a new town plan.
The coming years will present even more challenges as the Selectboard begins to implement the new Putney Town Plan and continues to grapple with the pressing issues of housing, taxes, and infrastructure needs.
Aileen's experience, organizational skills, deep knowledge of the issues, and understanding of town government will facilitate getting this plan off the page and into reality.
We want to let all Putney residents and other tree lovers know that on Thursday, June 23, we will bid farewell regrettably to the two staunch maple trees that have graced our library since it opened in 2004. The trees, estimated to be about 100 to 150 years old,