Matt Dricker

How can we support a message of peace while refusing to hear how we are complicit in the war?

BRATTLEBORO-As local and global understanding of Israeli genocide against Palestinians has grown over the past eight months, and opposition to the actions of Israel builds, there have been many words printed in these pages expressing a feeling of Jewish unsafety.

One writer objects to hearing the term "the Zionist project" - a term long used by historians to describe the modern political and demographic movement that created the Jewish-majority state of Israel - as antisemitic, and somehow "trickling down" to encourage displays of swastikas.

In another column, a writer sees a causality between the rhetoric used to oppose Israeli violence in Gaza, leading to recent threats of violence against a Jewish synagogue in Massachusetts.

Most recently, one writer bluntly (and erroneously) asserts that "most of your Jewish neighbors experience these protests [against Israel] as an emerging form of Nazism," and claim that protesters have "hijacked the cause of social justice."...

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‘If we do not stand with Palestinians, we do not stand with anyone, least of all ourselves’

Matt Dricker submitted this letter, which is co-signed by Casey Parles, Jane Katz Field, John Field, Leo Moskowitz, Liz Harris, Lucy Johnston, Maya Faerstein-Weiss, Naomi Ullian, Rebecca Speisman, Steve Wangh, and Abby Mnookin. Tim Wessel asks readers to "think for a few moments about your Jewish friends. Ask them...

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Speno had a chance that night to mend a fractured community. He failed.

On March 8, the newly seated Windham Southeast School District board heard from several parents who, with only six days before the school mask mandate was to be lifted, had still not been able to learn from administrators what plans would be in place to protect their children who...

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