BRATTLEBORO-I urge voters in Brattleboro District 7 to nominate Emilie Kornheiser for their Representative to the Vermont Legislature in the Democratic Primary on August 13.
Although I am not in the district, I have come to know Emilie through my interfaith organizing work around affordable housing and homelessness.
My admiration of her has increased as I have watched her work in many settings. She is smart, articulate, knowledgeable, conscientious, and creative. She is able to explain complex issues in everyday language. She is a hard worker and dedicated to her values.
She wants the best for her constituents in particular and Vermonters in general. In her six years in the Legislature, she has developed important relationships and is admired and respected by her colleagues.
Please join me on March 5 in voting for Guilford's Brian Remer for Windham Southeast School District Board. He is an ideal candidate. I have known Brian for 25 years and have seen him in action countless times working with groups, both large and small, and with people of...
Brattleboro voters are in the enviable position of having a slate of excellent candidates from which to choose for Selectboard. All of the candidates are fine people, eager to serve the town, and brimming with ideas. It is comforting to know that all who are elected on March 7...