Stephen Martin

Brattleboro EMS service: What we were told vs. what actually happened

First of all, let me say my opinion is based on experience in EMS, albeit years ago. I was a volunteer and full time employee of Rescue Inc. for almost 14 years through the 1970s and early '80s.

More importantly, I am a citizen of Brattleboro and have to live with the decisions of our local officials, whether I like them (the decisions) or not.

We were informed by town officials that the Fire Department in conjunction with Golden Cross ambulance service could save the citizens money by assuming the services that Rescue Inc. had spent over a half century reviewing and constantly improving. We were told that the high level of service that we had relied on would not change.

It turns out that the costs involved in the Fire Department assuming those responsibilities will not stay remotely close to what it cost to have Rescue Inc. serving us. And just wait until we are informed that the Fire Department will require another huge amount to expand facilities to house the vehicles and equipment.

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