When you first come upon the Occupy London Stock Exchange encampment at the top of Fleet Street, you see two white tents, both larger than any in the tent city.
The white Information Tent and the white Tent City University stand in the field of closely packed blue, teal, green, beige, brown, and orange single-person tents that roll out in front of you like colored snow moguls.
The big, white, and inviting Info Tent is the place you go to find out how you can participate. At Tent City U, you can attend scheduled educational seminars to help you become better informed. It is the central place to think things through with others.
That is an extraordinary feature of these encampments.
The September/October centerfold of Adbusters magazine showed a female dancer atop the brass bull icon of lower Manhattan, the symbol of Wall Street. She is calm; her arms are outstretched. She is not quite Joan of Arc, but she conveys the power and grace of a superior consciousness rising...
The rise of the New England Youth Theatre (NEYT) has been a dream fulfilled for those who have watched the theater go from rehearsing in a cramped basement space to its flashy new arts complex at 100 Flat Street. The effects of this theater seed planted by Steven...
Dec. 31: We were on our way not just to downtown Philadelphia, and not just to a rally for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, but we were headed to the same ground upon which the likes of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Paine, and all of the founders strolled amidst the gardens and groves of the vibrant city. Before the rally we visited Independence National Historic Park and watched a movie about the promise of the founders' efforts to create...