Richard Davis and Daryl Pillsbury

Heat Fund coordinators offer their thanks

We would like to recognize the generosity of our community on behalf of our more vulnerable friends and neighbors as we head into another heating season. It will be a difficult winter, not only because of weather conditions but also because of the difficult political climate in Washington.

The Windham County Heat Find helps those who are either not eligible for current fuel assistance programs or who run out of their assistance allotments.

Allotments this year have been much lower than in the past, and we have had to supplement those allotments because the federal checks have not allowed people to receive a minimum delivery of fuel.

We are all blessed to live in a community where generous individuals, businesses and foundations are able to provide for the more needy among us. This year, to date, we raised approximately $30,000 and have given out all of that in fuel.

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We won’t stand idly by

Vermont has a history of standing up for itself. Does Entergy know what it’s in for

In a cynical move calculated to take advantage of all of the power and perks that large American corporations currently enjoy and abuse in this country, Entergy Nuclear of Louisiana has decided to go to the federal courts to ask to be relieved of its duty to obey the...

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Common ground with the Tea Party: Vermont stands for the Constitution

On Oct. 2, in solidarity with national marches in Washington D.C. and elsewhere, citizens in Brattleboro will hold a march and rally calling on Congress and the president to bring our troops home now and end U.S. military action in Afghanistan. Organizers are trying to show the government that...

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Volunteers find giving has its own rewards

“At St. Brigid's Kitchen we are only treating the symptoms of hunger, not the disease of inequality and oppression that causes the hunger. The disease of injustice demands the attention of all of us and its solution will regrettably take time.” These sentences are from the mission statement of St. Brigid's Kitchen, a ministry of St. Michael's Catholic Parish, which cooks and serves free midday meals four days a week. And just as those sentences reflect a broad and complex...

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VY story falls far short of the mark

Your article on the town meeting campaign to replace Vermont Yankee ["Voters in 45 towns statewide to discuss Vermont Yankee decommissioning," The Commons, February] fell far short of the usual standards of thoroughness and accuracy that we have come to expect of The Commons. While I am the coordinator of the Town Meeting Campaign to Replace Vermont Yankee, the fact that I am also on the board of Vermont Independent Media, the publisher of this paper, should have been reason...

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