Zeke Hecker

From Zeke Hecker

I have been offered the opportunity to respond to the article by Mindy Haskins Rogers.

First, I deeply apologize to any former student who may have been affected by my behavior, which I regret. I went into teaching with high ideals and never intended to hurt anyone. I wanted to be a good teacher, but I was not good enough. I also want to apologize to the parents of my students, who trusted me to be a caretaker and role model.

Next, I apologize to my colleagues at Brattleboro Union High School. They are as dedicated and accomplished as the finest teachers anywhere, and I let them down. I chose to teach there because I believed in the value of public education. I hope the community appreciates the quality of the schools it has, and will continue to support them.

Third, I apologize to the musical and theatrical organizations that welcomed me and gave me opportunities for artistic expression. I have made their mission harder. The arts, like education, are essential. Our area is unusually rich in them. I hope they will continue to thrive.

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