Wayne Blanchard

Rockingham voters gather on March 4

To my fellow Rockingham voters: It's that time of year again. All year long we enjoy the Freedom and independence as individual citizens, but on March 4 and 5 comes the Unity part, where we must come together to debate the common good for our community.

The Town Meeting warning is now available on the Town Clerk's website at rockinghamvt.org. Because of the vote at last year's meeting, we must attend in person at 7 p.m. Monday, March 4 in the Town Hall Main Theater for the town portion of the meeting.

The school budgets and election of officers will be decided on Tuesday, March 5 by secret ballot at the Masonic Temple. The town portion has 30 articles this year because, as we do every few years, each of the "social service" items must have individual votes.

In addition, several other articles deserve your support.

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