WILMINGTON-As someone who worked in the high-tech industry for more than 40 years, I was intrigued by Elayne Clift's article. It was very well written and clearly articulated the frustration we've all experienced with our interactions with technology, support, help desks, customer service, etc. I think we'd all agree that technology is great when it works, but not so much otherwise!
After digesting the paragraphs on the front page, I eagerly turned the page to see what else the columnist had to say. I continued to enjoy the article as the author described how every agent she had talked to had "assured - indeed, promised - that those charges would be removed and that I'd be called back in a few days before my bill would be due."
But then the author went off the deep end as she made a political statement that was totally uncalled for and had nothing to do with the topic.
She said; "None of them called. It was all smoke, mirrors, and lies. You'd think Donald Trump was the CEO."...