Karl Meyer

FirstLight reports that 14.9 million eggs and larvae of American shad — a vulnerable migratory species — were “entrained” (swallowed) by Northfield Mountain’s processes in 2016. That results in 1.07 million fewer juvenile shad in the river, by one federal agency’s measure.

Crushing your right to a living river

FirstLight Power has the support of Massachusetts state agencies in its bid for a new 50-year federal license to run Northfield Mountain — a facility that consumes more energy than it produces and destroys millions of fish before they can get to Vermont and New Hampshire

Karl Meyer has been a stakeholder, intervenor, and Fish and Aquatics Studies team member in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission relicensing proceeding for the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Project since 2012. Meyer is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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Failed salmon program doesn't deserve new life

The millions needed to rebuilt Bethel hatchery could help the Connecticut River far more effectively

Wendi Weber, regional director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (USFWS) Northeast Region in Hadley, Mass., and Bill Archambault, deputy assistant regional director of fisheries, want a boatload of pork for the failed salmon program of the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission (CRASC). Now! Through an act of...

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2010 was a bad year for the Connecticut River

The year 2010 echoed the worst of times for New England's Great River, the Connecticut.  Last Jan. 7, radioactive tritium was found leaking at Entergy's aging Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, right to the river's edge.  The plume continues. As of Dec.15, still-rising tritium levels at wells next to the...

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