Phil Innes

Where are the specifics on economics of alternative energy?

I notice that you have recently reported on renewable energy sources by way of citing proposals by James Moore and Dr. Arjun Makhjani on how "renewable energy can easily replace Vermont Yankee's power.”

I should very much like to be in accord with Mr. Moore and Dr. Makhjani, but three critical aspects of the proposals were not reported by your newspaper.

The first is the capital cost of the renewable sources mentioned. Who will pay for them, how, and how soon?

The second is the resultant cost of energy developed by these systems, compared to current costs. The third question is, of course, where else have these proposals been implemented? Local people want more than ideas. They want examples.

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Hell no, we won't slow!

Since the recent hoo-hah about Evasion Junction and the new traffic plan in town, absolutely nothing has happened! Except that in the Reformer, pedestrians have been admonished to not jaywalk downtown, and in your car it now takes 10 minutes to get through Evasion Junction if the train comes...

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Despite new traffic lights, there are still malfunctions at the junction

The recent Malfunction Junction special Selectboard meeting provided a big update, where nothing happened - except a comedy of evasions. Evasion #1: After Orion Barber addressed the problem of exiting from the Co-op parking lot, stating it was a “terrible experience and it's really dangerous,” unnamed “officials” replied, according...

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