Cliff L. Wood

Bos-Lun's community work: positive, powerful, and productive

WESTMINSTER-If citizens of the Windham-3 district want a state representative whose primary concern is the welfare of our community, you will vote to re-elect Michelle Bos-Lun.

Since we moved to Windham County in 2017, we have watched Michelle and her positive, powerful, and productive work in the community: working with COSA (Circles of Support and Accountability) to help recently released prisoners re-enter society, teaching classes at Southern State Correctional Facility, advocating for gun safety, teaching English to asylum seekers, working to prevent the negative effects of climate change, supporting families, and many other accomplishments.

Michelle knows our needs and concerns because over the years, she has been an educator and community activist, seeking to ensure equity, fair representation, and quality of life for all Vermonters.

I have witnessed her speaking up for her values and pitching in to support community, whether it is planting vegetables and flowers at SSCF or acting in the Wild Goose Players' Fiddler on the Roof.

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