Judith Dickerman-Nelson

Spring storm

Spring storm

A snowstorm in late March

is like a test...

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My first day knowing

‘He’d said we go to college at night and work during the day. And now? Now that I was pregnant, he was leaving.’

I dressed for school, putting on my plaid polyester skirt, zipping it up. It fit fine, but how long would I be able to wear this school uniform? How long before I started to show? I put on a white blouse and my maroon sweater. I looked the same...

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‘Death with Dignity’ bill has no place in a society that values life

In Vermont, we stand up for human rights, fighting against atrocities like the death penalty, knowing that if we allow the state to kill its own citizens, surely we have lost sight of the value of humanity. So what is happening now with the introduction, again, of a bill...

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